Using an integrative holistic approach , my goal is to help bring energetic harmony and balance to your body, mind, and spirit.

About Me

As a certified Master Reiki Practitioner, I am dedicated to helping you find and maintain energetic balance to help support your physical and mental well-being.

I wasn’t always a Reiki practitioner and have worked the majority of my life in corporate America. But, after the death of a loved one, I began noticing and feeling energy in unusual ways. This led me on a journey discovering the ways of Usui Reiki, culminating in my obtaining a Master Reiki certification.

In addition to my Reiki practice, I am a corporate attorney. I hold a BS Economics degree from UW-Madison and a JD from Marquette University Law School.

Julie Meeks - Reiki Master, RP III

About Reiki

Reiki was discovered in Japan in the 1920s by Dr. Mikao Usui, and Reiki translated means “universal life force” or “universal energy”. Reiki teachings are based on a principle that everything is comprised of universal energy, and this life force energy flows naturally through all living things, including plants, animals, and people.

Our bodies process this life force energy via complex channels and energy centers, or chakras. When our bodies are energetically balanced, this energy flows smoothly through the body and there’s a sense of health and well-being. But, when energetic blockages exist, the level of energy needed to harmonize and balance the body is impeded and is not able to flow to its intended destination. When the body is extremely overloaded with energetic blockages, this can result in physical stress, anxiety, depression, and even disease.

Reiki teachings promote that a strong flow of life force energy in the human body supports bodily processes, which in turn can help facilitate natural healing, boost immune function, reduce anxiety, and improve overall wellness.

During a Reiki session, I work with you to help identify the areas of your body that have energetic blockages that are in need of balancing. Once identified, I send cleansing universal energy to these areas to reestablish the energetic flow your body needs to operate efficiently. After receiving a Reiki treatment, most people feel a sense of relaxation, calm, and balance within.

To help you maintain energetic balance, I also provide you with useful tools that you can employ with your mind and body that can help keep blockages from redeveloping in the future